
The Sopranos, Season 6B "Chasing It" [recap]

The episodes this year are just getting back to the raw essence of the earlier seasons, where each one is a tiny movie unto itself. This week, we get back to the meaner, eviler Tony, shown through his addiction to gambling. The title is a metaphor for him trying to chase whatever joy he gets from gambling... but we also saw his addiction creep into his everyday life...

Why would he gamble the money he was to give Marie Spatafore for their move to Maine? I think subconciously, he did not want to give her that much loot. That move is kind of ridiculous - if you don't get at the root of the problem, you really aren't solving a thing. I'm like everyone else, tripping over the fact that dude shit in the shower at his school, but the situation is bigger than that. Rebellion brought on by confusion of what his dad did, and who his dad was. That requires therapy, not a move to another part of the US...

The bigger deal with Vito Jr. is the Phil situation. Phil Leotardo was man enough to cause the situation to be what it was by murdering Vito, but is not man enough to take the responsibility, whether it's ponying up the ends to move them out or taking a more active role, but it just shows how heartless of a prick he really is. Don't think for a minute that by the time this season is over, Phil and T will be bumping heads once again, over something.

Did we really need to see Nancy Sinatra in this episode?

I want to send a shout out to AJ Soprano, for getting played like a fiddle. I love how he damn near makes her say yes, then looks all upset when her brother pulls up with his bag of clothes ("I just did laundry last week!")... he was chasing that puerto rican poonani, and a life that involved him being the big man. But being manager of the pizza shop and learning some spanish to impress ya shorty's seed does not a man make, young AJ. And by the looks of the preview of next week, he hits a deep funk.

I do have to say, I think Adrianna is buried under the house Carm and her pops built, and with the weak lumber, she will be found. Just a hunch - they are spending too much time dwelling on Carm worrying, and the fact that pops is using the old ass lumber. I also wanna let it be known that T's "unborn baby" crack @ Carm was fucking wrong, even if he technically fronted the major end of the money for the house she considers her own. T should have played it off, not even gotten at her for ends for his gambling, but he took it too far. And upset Carm. That's gonna bite him.

The big thing I want to see is next week's showdown with Chris and Paulie. Both look bad in Tony's eyes right now, so if it comes to blows, its going to be interesting to see how that will play off. Their rivalry has always been a staple of the conflicts - so much can be played off, and it harks back to the "Pine Barrens", where both the show and their relationship went to far-out places.

Only time will tell how this show will end, but I have a feeling I'm not ready for it. Like they are going to hit us with something way out of the ordinary... or just have it end like any other season, with Tony letting off a puff of smoke and some poignant song ushering in the credits...
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LOST, Season 3 "D.O.C." [recap]

So, Jin is the father after all. That's good, that means their kid won't look like the bastard son of a Korean Powder. The flipside? Homegirl now has a death sentence... but the good news is, Jin's being on the island upped his sperm count by 5x! How ill is that?

The connections and situations in this show are so well written... we now know that Sun's the reason for Jin's bloody work for her father, so even while she is horrified at what he has to do for her father, she figures it's better to let him do that with dignity than be ridiculed for being the son of a prostitute and a fisherman.

I wish I could get a handle on the island, though; what could POSSIBLY be making the island a spot where you cannot get pregnant on, for you will die, but a puncture wound to the lung takes under two days to heal? Or a seemingly deadly soundwave shock to the head that makes you bleed from the ears - how does one magically recoup from that? And on the even odder flipside, how can the island thus make Ben someone who is succeptable to cancer, even if he lived on the island all his life? It's just too crazy to even try and get your head around...

Checking out LostPedia's rundown of this episode, I saw that they note that the convo in Korean that Sun walked in on referenced the Hanso Foundation... I wondered why they didn't put the subtitles on it! (They also said that Naomi's words, which Mikhail said meant "Thanks for helping me", really translated to "I am not alone"...)

I also wonder what Juliet's beef with Ben is, and why she feels a certain way - right up until he asks her to do something. Please let me know so I can stop wondering why she is dicking over people she really shouldn't... but who knows. This LOST shit is too deep for the kid.

Now, for all of you guys who are going to take Naomi's "there were no survivors of Flight 815" comment to mean that they are in purgatory (a tired, often used theory since season 1), I suggest you listen to the latest podcast. Damon & Carlton let it be known that she could either be a) lying, or b) confused, meaning that, let's just say, someone made it LOOK like Fligth 815 crashed and had no survivors - to make the outside world not worry or want to look for the people who are inhabiting an island that is experimenting on them and the damn laws of physics/nature/science/whatever else...

They also spoke on this week's episode, "The Brig", which finally brings us back to where John Locke has been with the Others. We are to find out the following things:
  • What John has been doing with the Others
  • Where the Others are going
  • How Locke's father got on the island
  • More about Naomi (the girl in the parachute) and her ordeal
  • Some other stuff I can't remember right now...
If you peep the trailer, Locke is bugging out - did he just go with the Others to try and set a trap, or does he have ulterior motives? Judging by what we know about Locke, it's more the latter than the former... who knows.

Do you guys have anything you think is going to happen before this season ends? I remember at the end of season 2, they said we were to learn more about the "4-toed statue", but we haven't gotten a peep about it since... I think we will learn more about that. Any thoughts? Leave a comment!
Until next time.. namaste!
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The Sopranos, Season 6B: "Remember When" [recap]

I don't know if it was the OE in me or just the sentimentalities running through this episode, but I'm going on record, saying that this was one of my favorite episodes in Sopranos history. You can go on and on about how it's changed, or you can be one of those jerks who is only looking for the violence, so when someone doesn't get killed or isn't shot at, you think the show is going down hill.

This is poetry.

Don't get me started on the many "buddy" relationships we touched on, from Tony/Paulie to Corrado/Carter to Johnny/Corrado... or the fact that Paulie denied telling Johnny Sack about Ralphie's comments regarding Ginny 3 times (LOST ain't the only show with Biblical references...). Just take a look at all of the references to past times, not just the "remember when" premise of the show, which was genius, given the way everyone was reminiscing. The whole Ralphie/Johnny Sack fued got thrown in here, as did Big Pussy getting capped. The Sopranos is wearing its sadness on its sleeve, letting you know that, in ending, they will still remember the hits.

Touch on a few of the other recurring themes, like the search for that father figure. We see the obvious one in Tony's friendship with Paulie, who is 20+ years his senior, but dig deeper: remember Carter getting so furious about his pops pissing on his 96? Now, he has Corrado, who might be a bad influence, but it was an influence that helped him crack his shell.

This show is just too deep, and beautifully done episodes like this one just reinforce the fact that this show is one of the greatest in TV history.

This episode just had too many classic moments:

  • Corrado whoopin' the Professor's ass
  • The whole flowers/vase joke @ Corrado's card game
  • Tony glancing over the ax and the knife, wondering if he should murk Paulie
  • Carter throwing the paper at the guys singing, which harks back to Meadow throwing the bread at Corrado when he was singing in the finale of Season 3
  • The blonde asking Tony if Paulie was his father
  • Doc Santoro's eye getting shot out. That Phil is a cold bastard.
  • The Feds getting (false) wind that Jackie Aprile was the one who killed the bookie. LOL such a shame, the Aprile family always gets the short end...
  • Corrado's Dick Cheney letter. That was just a stroke of genius.
I just want to touch on two more things.
  1. I had no idea Phil Leotardo was poised to be such a big problem/character on the show. He went from just getting out of the slammer to stamping out all comp. That New York family has been in shambles ever since Johnny Sack set foot in Jersey, and while I think Phil feels he is too old to truly lead, he doesn't like giving up the power. And he is poised to keep murdering...
  2. Paulie Walnuts' life is the family. While T might have wanted to off him on that boat, he knew that Paulie gets it done when it comes to family business. He might have wavered for a bit, but for all of his neurosis-like behavior (who has 4 pairs of the same white shoes in their closet?!), when you need a situation handled, or some muscle thrown around, you holler at him. I still think he'd kill himself before flipping to the feds. It's just sad to see that his life is nothing outside of the mob.
I can't even go on... if you are sleeping on these episodes, just keep sleeping. You don't get it.

related links:
HBO.com episode guide for "Remember When"
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LOST, Season 3: "Catch-22" [recap]

You can't front on solid episodes. This one, with its Desmond backstory and "visions" might not have been everyone's cup of tea (both myself and my wife were kind of "meh" about this one in the end), but it does serve a purpose, especially if the previews of next week's episode are true...
First off, aside from LostPedia, was I the only one to notice that the Monk Desmond was dealing with all-episode, in a flash, had that Ms. Hawking lady from the LAST Desmond-flashback episode in a picture on his desk? I noticed immediately, and was kind of intrigued... I mean from the monk's dialogue with Desmond, you knew there HAD to have been some ulterior motive going on. Was it just coincidence, or was the monk truly a servant for a greater cause?

Speaking of Desmond... what a Catch-22 for his ass! He keeps saving Charlie for GOD KNOWS WHAT REASON, I mean, why does he ONLY have visions where Charlie dies? And how long is he going to let this go on? I mean, if the order of life says someone has to die, let them die... you can only escape death so many times. I'd like to think that you'd only try and save someone you have no connection with for so long... especially if they might be standing in the way of your true love...

LostPedia says that the girl at the end of this ep who uttered Desmond's name is "Naomi", and it seems like she is going to play a vital role in the last arc of eps for this season. Remember, at the end of last season, there were 2 guys who got word of the anomoly when Desmond hit the failsafe: I think she is connected to them, and in turn, connected to Penny Widmore. Desmond said, essentially, with that much money, you can find ANYONE, ANYWHERE. I think "Naomi" was looking for Desmond, and was planning on bringing him to Penny... or something else.

Dig the biblical references throughout this episode to. The aforementioned Abraham/Issac connection; the names Ruth and Naomi; the fucking Moriah Vineyards wines (which is limited to 108 cases a year?!?!); the fact that dude was at a monastery... this whole faith/religion play is deep, and has to mean something. I feel like I'm in Bible study every now and again, watching LOST.

Now, back at the main camp, its crazy to see how Kate is reacting to seeing Jack & Juliet being together. I mean, I could see her being upset, but did she have to slip into Sawyer's spot, cry, and give him the time, just to prove something to Jack? Sawyer's demeanor is cool, though: he knows that he truly cares for Kate, but has to mask it as lust to not show his emotions. His "mixtape" comments were classic, though, but I guess you have to be a child of the cassette era to truly understand.

And why was Jin so happy about going camping? Like, he generally just wanted to sit by a campfire and tell scary stories in his native tongue (which lead to a funny moment this week)...

Next week looks like the wheels will be set in motion, with Naomi's character being explored, as well as the Sun angle. We know the island is not nice to pregnant women, so her dilemma is realer than Evander Holyfield. "D.O.C.", aka 'Date of Conception", is next week's episode (get the scoop HERE with the official LOST podcast for 4/20/07), and looks like it will deliver SOMETHING to us.

Where do you guys think this season is going to end up? We're like 4 eps away from the finale... I know John Locke is going to be back by season's end, and I want to know more about how Ben is holding up. I'm such a fan, I can't help it!

Until next time... namaste.
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The Sopranos, Season 6B "Stage 5" [recap]

My life has been crazy CPT lately, so this is very late. I apologize. And will be brief:
  • RIP Johnny Sack.
  • Daniel Baldwin is the coolest Baldwin, that's cemented in history.
  • Contrary to popular belief, if Phil Leotardo was to go after Christopher, I don't think Tony would just let him murk Chrissy.
  • Phil's speech to the children at the end was the single funniest thing on this show not uttered by Uncle Junior.
  • So now Meadow and Finn aren't even together? Thank God.
  • I don't like how Carm nudged Tony into thinking that Cleaver was written to discredit him or make him look like shit... although it kind of did, a lil' bit.
  • All in all, one of the best episodes in show history: it was a great blend of humor, gritty life, Geraldo Rivera cameos, and just what we have learned to love about this show. Fucked up, I don't want to see it go.
Check a detailed summary HERE.

"How was Florida"
"Hot and sticky. Like my balls."

PS: "Evidently Chickentown" by John Cooper Clarke. That was the end music. Perfection.
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Dub Sessions, vol. 8: "Twenty After Four"

I've been on some "wow, it's 4/20" shit, mainly from the shows coming up tonight on G4 (can't wait to see "Night of the Tripping Dead")...and I don't even smoke weed anymore. I just figured, hey, I know a lot of readers/friends still puff the mighty green, and figured, if I was still smokin', what would I want to be rockin' to on this 20th day of April, 2007? Probably some dubstep tracks... a likkle bit of Jungle, and some Hip-Hop. You might have heard all of these... you might have never heard none of these! Some are classic weed cuts, others are just things that would make me groove if I was lit. So, peep the tracklisting:

01/Ray-gun intro
02/Coki "Burnin'"
03/The Fix "This Fire (dz's bayswate mix)"
04/Knifehandchop ft. Ninjaman "Weed Wid Da Macka (Deerhunter Mix)"
05/Aries "Herbsmoke (Visionary VIP)"
06/Interlude: Katt Williams vs. Source Direct
07/Styles P "Good Times"
08/Redman & Method Man "How High (Remix)"
09/Mathematics & Raekwon "Trees"
10/KRS-One "Amsterdam"
11/Uncle Murder "Bullet Bullet"
12/Cham "Rudeboy Pledge (Nappy's Liquid Swords Blend)"
13/Mr. Vegas ft. Lexus "Taxi Fare (Remix)"
14/The Bug ft. Flowdan "Jah War (Loefah Remix)"
15/Congo Natty "Original Sess (Police & Helicopters)"
16/Signal "Chuyen" (bonus track)

time: 65:20
size: 92mb

I'm gonna run this one down quick: the intro is a nice chopping of a Ronald & Nancy Ray-gun speaking on the ills of drugs; "Burnin'" is my theme song. That dz RMX of The Fix is just dutty, found that on dubstepforum.com; the knifehandchop tune is just hyper. Visionary's "Herbsmoke VIP" has the ill "sensi-milla" computer voice thing going. That interlude is a masterpiece: Source Direct's "Dark Metal RMX" riding underneath some Katt Williams weed-bit from his HBO special. From there, Styles P's summer of 2002 hit and a classic Meth & Red cut. Raekwon weaves a weird tale referencing diff names for diff weeds, and KRS lets you know what it is about Amsterdam. Uncle Murder's "Bullet Bullet" is a dope, DJ Green Lantern-produced reggae-sampler, and Nappy's Cham/"Liquid Swords" blend is just essential. Following that is one of my favorite dance hall remixes ("Taxi Fare RMX" is the bidness!), followed by Loefah's sub-heavy rmx of "Jah War". This is ended by Congo Natty's classic, John Holt-sampling "Original Sess" which was heavy years back, and I even treat you guys to a special dubstep tune from the one like Signal. Big up.

Dload links: sendspace1 : sendspace2 : megaupload

Please leave some comments. And share this with other partakers.
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LOST, Season 3 "One of Us" [recap]

I want to first apologize first to Jodi and my other faithful readers who've been wondering/disappointed in my lack of timely recaps of LOST. Not only have I not really been watching the episodes until the weekend (hectic schedule right now), but I've been on a job hunt and just taking care of bidness right now. No excuses, let's bring the recap arguably one of the better episodes of this year...

I hinted at it at the end of my "Left Behind" recap, and so it came to past: this whole "Juliet got left" thing turned out to be an elaborate ruse set up by Ben himself for... who knows. I like how Juliet continues to play that role well - underneath all of her "loyalty" to Ben and the Others, there seems to be a seed of striking out inside of her. I don't know what it would take for her to bounce on the Others - lack of hope? And I'm wondering why she still sided with Ben... am I being put on? I mean, I know she has a connection with Jack, esp from her asking Jack to save Ben whilst showing Jack that video of her saying don't trust him...

From her flashback, it seemed that for a while, her trust and support always lied with her sister. She was stuck on the island for years, and only wanted to go home and be with her. The day Oceanic 815 crashed, the thing that brought her to tears was seeing Rachel and her child playing. And she was recently about to get off the island with Jack, until Locke blew up the sub. Now, is she realigning herself because she is feeling like she can never get off the island? What does she know that we don't... and what does Ben hold over her?

One interesting piece was seeing how Juliet got to the island, however short the piece was. The "Herarat" Aviation thing was a nice touch - I knew it was important, but it didn't make sense until after I finished watching the episode. The one thing that interested me was not the fact that they gave her tranqulizers before the trip, nor is it the fact that she gulped the drink down, but the reasoning. Dude didn't say "oh, you don't need to know where we're taking you or how you get there"... Ethan kept referring to the trip being "pretty intense", which had me thinking - I am ignorant to submarines and such, and I figure there's a certain pressure on the body that's taken, but is there something ELSE going on in that trip? Like crossing a different dimension or SOMETHING that would put your body through additional stress? Kind of far-fetched, but I have to present the idea...

A couple of other things were done rather nicely this episode:

  • The use of the "Downtown" song. Having her drive up to Mittelos with her sister, and the song playing, made the later scene of her crying while it was on make that much more sense.
  • The whole Mikhail/The Flame scene cracked me up. "He never has his walkie". It just played so well to what we already knew about the station...
  • How did Juliet and Goodwin end up fucking? And was this the reason her and Ben have strain in their relationship?
  • Why did Ethan's improvisation turn from taking samples to kidnapping Claire to continue giving her the medication? I don't see why he would do that... of his own free will.
  • LOL @ Hurley trying to be hardcore with Juliet (his whole "the last one of you guys who came to our camp is buried over there" thing had me rollin').
  • Don't you just love how, if Sawyer was never on the island, Kate & Jack would be humping to high heaven every night?
  • Speaking of Sawyer, it was good to see him exchange a handshake and a hug with Jack. These two have been through a lot...

I do have to say, though, that Jack looks like the ultimate fool. While you can't find a better leader (Sayid is the man, but I don't see him leading the camp without constant headbutting), he is too trustworthy. He questions a lot of the survivors of Flight 815, but seems to give Juliet a long rope (to hang herself with, maybe)... for what? For love? Or is it something else? She might be "One of Us" in terms of wanting off the island, but her dealings in how to meet that end is surely not the same as Jack, or many of the survivors. To each their own, though.

Now just a batch of questions: why does the island seem to make women infertile, yet make it so no one has disease on it? And why does Ben get a tumor/cancer? who/what is Jacob, and why do we never see him? why does no one believe Sayid when he has doubt about someone/something (this past ep with Juliet, he also had beef with bringing back Mikhail, etc.)?

In any case, I'm just typing aloud at this point. I do wnat to point out that, despite previous rumors, LOST fans are still watching - we are just watching LATER! Stats show that Nielsen ratings for shows watched on DVR later in the week have LOST jumping up by considerable numbers (even if that doesn't look good for advertisers - we fast forward commercials!)... so take that, haters!

Tonight's episode looks tough as well, get LostPedia's brief lowdown HERE. You can also peep the official LOST podcast (dated 4.16.2007) HERE for a rehash of "One of Us", as well as a prehash of tonight's ep, "Catch-22", which will focus on Desmond and feature the return of Penny Widmore! More on that later, though. And if you aren't afraid of spoilers (I didn't even read this article yet), you can check out Doc Jensen's "LOST in translation" article over at EW.

Sorry for my CPT. Hopefully my thing shifts in the near future...

Until next time... namaste.
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Video Ho's volume 1

So, being home unemployed during Spring Break whilst teenage females live in your home, I spend a bit of time peepin' the MTV. MTV Hits, TRL, regular non-video showing MTV, BET, all of that. I don't listen to radio, but if it has a video, 9 times out of 10 I've probably seen it. Because of this, I've been noticing a few thigns that I just figured I'd point out:

  • Beyonce's last album had some gutter beats. I thought "Ring The Alarm" was the end of it, but with "Upgrade U" and "Beautiful Liar", I find myself really getting into the groove. I don't know wtf she is singing about on any of these cuts, and the actual video for "Beautiful Liar" is muddied by the too-quick cuts, as well as Shakira's "singing". I can't get into her lyrically, and the videos aren't very appealing in terms of R&B divas, but damn, get me those instrumentals!
  • Speaking of Destiny's Child, Kelly Rowland's "Like This" (ft. Eve) is a fucking sick track that could easily get played out if it gets played more than 5 times in a 5 hour period.
  • Funny 15 year old observation: while peepin' Young Jeezy ft. R. Kelly's "Go Getta", my middle daughter advised me that she thought that, when Kells was singing "go getta", he was actually singing "broke nigga". Think about it: "this is the life of a... broke nigga! AY! broke nigga! AY!" True comedy.
  • While I love The Alchemist, I was not feeling him in the "Stuck On You" video, where he bit off the same "programming the beat" shit Primo just did in the "Classic (Better Than I've Ever Been Remix)" video...
  • I love when cool videos like Rich Boy's "Boy Looka Here" make me appreciate his wack lyrics and beat chorus. I can bop to the song now and still not understand what he's saying...
  • On the flipside of that, Birdman & Lil Wayne's "You Ain't Know" is NOT helped by the faux mobster/1920s vibe the video tries to pull off.
  • And when am I supposed to believe that Fergie is really a good singer/dancer/hot body? "Glamorous" isn't proving ANY of that to me...
  • How annoying of a song/video is Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend"? Christ, come back with something a lil' more, well, like you. Same goes to you, Hilary Duff. "With Love" was NOT the look you need right now, especially since you have all of 2 dance moves.
  • Speaking of dance moves, why do I feel like "Pop, Lock & Drop It", "2 Step", "Rock Yo Hips", and a number of other videos are, like, the same shit?
  • OK so we just got done with the previously most annoyingly catchy song, Mims' "This Is Why I'm Hot"... now, we have Lil' Mama's "Lip Gloss" to occupy our time.

So those are my video ho's for right now. If you have anything I might not have seen, of any genre, please let me know!

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The Sopranos, Season 6B: "Soprano Home Movies" [recap]

WOW. What a way to reintroduce a show on it's last 9 lives. We get to peer into a birthday party that kind of goes wacko, and we see a parallel: the Soprano family home movie of yesteryear, and the craziness of the Soprano family today...

First things first: Bobby, no matter how much of a man you are for standing up to Tony, you played the situation wrong. OK, you have to defend your wife, but this is in a situation where the playing field is level. Tony is not only your boss, but he is your wife's brother. Extenuating circumstances much? I just don't see how Bacala flew off the handle like that, even if he was liquored up. You should know, being in that kind of family, that these situations are bound to come up. Deal with it, curse him behind his back, but don't suckerpunch and then proceed to fuck him up. Wasn't the big stink about the Tony vs. Ralphie situation that Tony hit Ralphie, who was a made guy? Why would Bobby not think that the same could happen to him? Then again, Tony had him plug that foreign guy, so I guess Carm was wrong about T being vindictive...

Speaking of Carm, shouts to her servicing her husband on his birthday. Well played, homegirl. And couldn't you just feel the brewing tension between Janice and Carm? I know they both wanted to slap each other, but that can't even be done. And on to Janice: get your head out of your ass. The whole live-in nanny thing is kind of nuts. Is Nica really that much of a pain? And why constantly badger her? You just know that Janice needs that drama to keep all eyes on her... hopefully her kid doesn't grow up with that. Good to see lil Nica already saying "NO!" to Janice.

I also like how Christopher called with the belated bday love to T, and T totally hung up the phone. He spoke on there being a possible shift in his thoughts, which had been brewing ever since T had Christopher pop that dude who he THOUGHT killed his pops. The thing is, with Christopher out of the pic as T's insulation, who is there to step up? T has no real family to trust in the mob now: Silvio is out, he's not trustworthy. Paulie? Hell no. Bacala would be hella reluctant, you remember how he acted when Uncle June would ask him to do some menial task. AJ? LOL...

AJ, AJ. He is getting his latin rocks off, but at what cost? You just know that Tony and Carm are looking down on him. He's getting that good loving, playing daddy to that big head kid, and still screwing up. "Gotta remember to clean the sheets..."? 'Nuff said.

What else, what else... not much. I need to rewatch this one. Oh and @Deadly Habit: the kid who picked up the gat Tony dropped at Johnny Sack's was NOT a young AJ. It was just some random idiot. LOL.

Next week: the Phil Leotardo plot thickens. Keep it locked...

related links:
MSN TV's Sopranos Spectacular
HBO.com's recap of "Soprano Home Movies"
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MySpace hate.

I can't post bulletins on my MySpace page, for anytime I throw an HTML link to something on this blog, I get a message saying that my MySpace page has been phished. What's really good with that? That cuts out on a big chunk of heads who peep my blog... which cuts down on my hits. They hating on the kid or what?
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LOST, Season 3: "Left Behind" [precap]

This one is quick, for there isn't much info about... just a few links:

Kate flashback this week BTW.

Until next time...
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It's that time again for the TEKDBZ Crew to show you cats what time it is on the fire mixtapes. Check out the press release for these slammin' mixtapes:

You’ve been patiently waiting for the next TEKDBZ explosion, and the time has come to feel the HEAT! These two mixtapes will not only showcase the versatility of the TEKDBZ sound and affiliates, but it will be another example of how forward-thinking this crew truly is.

When Hochi and Infiltrata first brought HEAT, VOL.1 to the masses, it was something many heads did not understand. While it was a straight-up DNB mixtape, it was wearing Chuck Taylors: the focus was showcasing a serious selection of Drum & Bass bangers, but in a Hip-Hop state of mind, from the intros to the drops to the overall feel of the tape. HEAT, VOL. 2 brings Hochi alongside The One, going from “The UK to the Bay” with their selection. Hochi steps up first, crafting a seamless blend of rough DNB beats, Hip-Hop blends, all creating an intense, speaker-bangin’ time. Exclusive drops from some of Hip-Hop’s biggest stars, rhymes from MCs like Messinian, Dre (winner of BBC 1Xtra’s XtraBass Awards 2007 Breakthrough MC award), Mental Sharp and more, and the hilarious interludes will further establish the hybrid style that TEKDBZ is slowly bringing forth. The One steps up for the 2nd half of HEAT, VOL. 2, bringing a choice crate of Grime tracks to the platform, playing yang to Hochi’s ying. You haven’t heard many mixtapes like this, especially coming from a brand that was initially seen as a DNB label. Get prepared.

On the 2nd mixtape, Armanni and Sharpness bring you EPIPHANY, a mixtape that truly let’s you know how hot of a pairing these two MCs are. For those of you who only know these two from their DNB output (URB’s 2006 DNB Single of the year "Fahrenheit 215”, “Hit ‘Em Hard”, etc.), you don’t know the half of this: straight up Hip-Hop flavor, from the story within the interludes to the choice of instrumentals (“Grammy Family”, “Make It Rain”, “Kick, Push”, etc.) to the plethora of styles these two possess. MCs who are more soldiers than rhymers, with a message and a knack for grabbin’ your ears and keeping you occupied. There’s always a load of people asking for some dope Hip-Hop to check out: look no further.

So, what have we learned from these two mixtapes? TEKDBZ is the future? There’s more to DNB than internet forums of One Nation dance floors? Hip-Hop can both make you dance and make you think? I think it’s safe to say that, with these two mixes as proof, all of the above would be the correct answer. Keep it locked to TEKDBZ.com for more news, more music, more tour dates… just MORE! 2k7 is OURS!

I think that pretty much sums it all up.

Download both of these for FREE:
"TEKDBZ PRESENTS: HEAT Vol. 2" (mixed by Hochi & The One) (DNB/Grime) (cover HERE)
"TEKDBZ AND GASM Present: MENTAL SHARP - The EPiphany" (Hip-Hop) (cover HERE)

I also started a thread over at DOA discussing the interlude on "HEAT Vol. 2" that plays a clip of Marcus Intalex diggin' at Photek, talking about a track sounding like Photek "when he was good", and the TEKDBZ throwing a sly barb at him over an Infiltrata remix of "Mr. Me Too" inna DNB meltdown. What's to come of BEEF in DNB?

Big up to Hochi and the entire TEKDBZ crew - each and every. And from what I hear, there's more fire to come!
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