The Jersey Fresh Jam kicks off today at noon at the TerraCycle Complex. While you're enjoying the gorgeous aerosol masterpieces, there's a full lineup of music set to go down, featuring loads of Jersey hip-hop masters. Here's the schedule, as of right now:
12:30-12:45: Dreadpool Parker w/Liz Cisco
12:50-1:05: Born Wreckless
1:10pm-1:25: Kas&Swagga T
1:30-1:40 Uneeke Kenetic
1:40-2:00: DJ SEV ONE set
2:05-2:20: Shore-Shot
2:25-2:40: Certified Life(Alert)
2:45-3:00: Hustle Emcee
3:05pm-3:25pm: Black Collar Biz and Old Sol
3:30PM-3:50: DJ ITSJUSTAHMAD set w/ Czar Hotep(Fine Arts)
3:55-4:15pm: HafBlack
4:20pm-4:40pm: Mr. Fickle and Venomous 2000
4:45pm-5:05pm: NAMEBRAND (Rell and Sonic)
5:10pm-5:30pm: CORFU AM DOWN(Biz Mighty, Skrewtape, Rich Quick)
5:35pm-5:45pm: B Davis
5:50-6:10: lla Ghee and All Elements Fam
Close out with open mic ciphe