With the tempos of footwork and jungle being around the same speed (160 BPM), it's been welcoming to see footwork's finest diving into their jungle bags. Today, DJ Paypal of the TEKLIFE squad shows the world how its done, putting a 2019 footwork shine on Adam F's CLASSIC "Circles." He doesn't go insane with the edits or feel of the tune; it's still just as lush and beautiful as what Adam crafted back in 1995, just with some percussive reworks. This one's available for free, so grab it while you can!
DJ Paypal Gave Away His Refreshing Remix of Adam F's "Circles"
With the tempos of footwork and jungle being around the same speed (160 BPM), it's been welcoming to see footwork's finest diving into their jungle bags. Today, DJ Paypal of the TEKLIFE squad shows the world how its done, putting a 2019 footwork shine on Adam F's CLASSIC "Circles." He doesn't go insane with the edits or feel of the tune; it's still just as lush and beautiful as what Adam crafted back in 1995, just with some percussive reworks. This one's available for free, so grab it while you can!