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#JFJ Styles Stay Vicious

Ayo - sun is baking out here. Next year? A tree LOL. It's fter noon and the writers are getting UP. Don't believe me, check the evidence. Luv1 is doing his thing. I don't know everyone, but that's not my job. We just documenting and enjoying right now. Ahmad is running through some Jersey Hip-Hop (Artifacts, Redman, Queen Latifah Queen Latifah, etc.), because you can't forget New Jersey. Still sweating my ass off. The performances will be going down in the open area, and it should be a doozy. Check the set times if you'be got someone in particular youre trying to see. Until then, check the FB album for my digital ca footage. And come the fuck out! Skrewtape and his missus have! Let's go!

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