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Jersey Fresh Jam 2011 Pre-Party (8/19/2011)

As you know, we're about a month away from the Jersey Fresh Jam (which goes down on the 20th of August), and like they always do, the night before will feature a special pre-party/art exhibit, and this year, the JFJ hooked up with the homegirl Tamara Ramos and Euphemia Gallery On The Go for this year's event, which is going down at Terracycle's showroom on New York Avenue. Music, dance, live body painting, theater, a poetry slam and more (I imagine), bringing the finest artists from the tri-state area will be going down. The contact info if you want to be down/need more information is right on the flier - or you can hit up the Facebook event page.

I'm still curating a mixtape for this year's Jam, and I'm looking for Jersey artists to submit tracks. And I'll be going more into who will be performing at the Jam this week. You down?

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