DZ "
What You Won't Do For Love": I really tried. I wanted to cop
this release on MP3, legally. Due to what it is, though, I believe its on a limited vinyl run, which makes sense. Its part of the duality of this shit, though. Back in the day, it used to be "
if you can't get it, wait until you can"; with the 'Net, shit is just instant. I can normally wait for releases until I am given them or they are widely distributed. Other times, I have to be that faucet. I've been a fan of
DZ for the last few years (and he has been on FIRE in 2008)... and
that Bobby Caldwell original? Shit, I have the 7" at my mom's house somewhere. Such a classic, and one of my favorite tracks out there. Enjoy this.
This is fucking crazy!
awesome track, thanks for uploading. KILLING IT!
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