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Revalation The Push Back Mixtape

Got this the other day, and due to my being AFK for an entire weekend, I hadn't gotten to posting it. Revalation is the truth, EMS rocks... you should already know. Peep this tape chock full of unreleased heat from the homey Rev.

DOWNLOAD Revalation The Push Back Mixtape

Watch out for Rev's The Revalation Will Be Televised, which is dropping this summer. Revalation & Catalyst's Killa Tape 09 drops on July 4th, 2009, so keep a lookout for that as well! EMS UP!


RyNo said...

I like it so far from what I'm hearing. I'm on track 7. So far it's pretty hot.

Anonymous said...

Not bad, first time I heard dude. Seen it on facebook