After spending the majority of the day out with the family, and coming home to relax, I set out last night to hit up Black Collar Biz's #ForeverBlack mixtape release party, which went down last night at the Trenton Atelier, and wow. Great event. I got to meet some heads I'd never spoken with before (pease to Physical Graffiti, Luv1 and others), and got to talk to Kasso and Self about some things that they have planned. Should be an interesting 2012 for the NJ Hip-Hop scene. Anyways, this event was very versatile: cats like Scoop, Physical Graffiti and BCB himself really put on some great performances, and I dug Moe-Fit once he got comfortable. Beasts. Self got up and properly Grizzly Adams'd the stage over classic Wu beats, and when Black Collar and his TOTG fam got on stage, it was theirs. There was also some education going down - reps from From The Block To The Boardroom and @SAVESHIRLEY were in the building, speaking on perservering and health in our community. There was even a raffle! In the end, it was good to see all kinds of people coming together, from niggas poppin' bottles to artists getting up. Nice crowd, great performances, and a great release - Forever Black is on iTunes right now!
I've uploaded some photos via Facebook, and have some videos (from my phone - forgive the quality after the jump. Enjoy these, and if you're in Trenton on February 25th, make sure you check out BCB and more at the next #GardenVariety show!
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