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INRE Danny!, "Hey You"

A post with a bunch of I's in three, two...

I don't like going into stories one-sided. I went on one yesterday because I felt wronged. And I'm still confused about the whole Danny!/Tyler, The Creator "Hey You" debacle. I'd apologize for the post if I felt I'd not done research on the situation in the background. Read interviews. Asked questions and got no answer, just more questions. I'm not a "fly off at the handle" type of person, especially when it comes to posts on this very site.

In any case, Danny! hit me earlier and linked me to his tumblr, where he's given his side of the story, speaking about trolling and publicity stunts. One of his main sticking points about Payback for months has been the lack of press he felt the project deserved. I get that. I also have followed OF and seen Tyler mention numerous times, at varying stages of success, that he doesn't work with people he doesn't fuck with. I don't like the feeling that artists need of some kind of "stunt" to get ANYONE press, but recognize the nature of the industry. It's a land of make believe at times, and it sucks that pure talent doesn't stick out like it should. I still am not 100% sure that that's what's going on here, and that is why I had chosen to kept my own concerns and doubt about certain aspects of Payback to myself in the first place. Part of the reason I don't play the whole "FIRST!" game with my peers to begin with.

Fact of the matter is, I fuck with Swain musically, I feel I've championed dude when a lot of sites that should have didn't, and I'm confused about the entirety of Payback. Kind of a dud to end this post on, but what else do I have?


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