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Competition: "A Night Of Understanding"

Clockwork Orange "A Night Of Understanding": Check out this fly instrumental. Are you an MC or singer? Download this beat. The good folks over at Redstarr Studios have linked up with rock the dub to have a likkle competition of sorts. Here's the deal from the folks over at Redstarr HQ:

This beat is open to any and all who think they can represent on it. All styles and genres are welcome from hiphop to soul. The process is real simple, ROCK TO THE BEAT and send it back to us. If we are feelin it it will be used as our first official release which will be by end of the 08 year. If you come on some wak shit we will let you know and the song will be destroyed. FYI for all of you everything is copy-written so dont be shady. On the other side if you do fit the Redstarr sound everything will be handled in a legit way.



So there you have it. Grab the beat, mull over it, represent over it and if your track is picked, you're getting released. Simple as that. For further info, hit up Lex at jumpinjackjew@gmail.com. Good luck!

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