Feds Takin' Pictures

I first caught wind of this via illRoots: Criminals Gone Wild, a DVD that had you riding shotgun with real thugs while they robbed, shot at, and engaged in other nefarious conduct. I was alarmed, and intrigued (I'll admit it), even asked the filmmakers for a promo copy for review (I was turned down, told to buy the jammy when it came out, which I never did). In all of my conversations about this, one question remained: aren't the cameramen essentially accomplices? Well, based on this news piece, it looks like the NYPD has gotten invovled, due to victims who found out about the DVD and were trying to contact the filmmakers with more info on the suspects.

What's even odder is the original trailer was banned from YouTube (due to the excessive violence, I guess?), but the feds weren't tipped off then. We wanna protect the bigwig RIAA/MPAA industries when it comes to copyright, but when human lives are at stake, we are on some "sweep it under the rug" shit? I'm callin' foul on the whole lot of you.

BONUS: Shouts to WSHH for streaming the entire DVD.

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