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Elucid "My Blank Verse"

Elucid "My Blank Verse" (prod. by Small Pro): On the low, Elucid and Small Pro have a lot of material on the horizon, together and separately. This track just got passed over to me Sunday night for my rockthedub five year anniversary compilation, FiF, which drops on Thursday, March the 31st. It brings the best bits of both MCs - crisp beats and poignant rhymes. I was speaking to Small Pro earlier this evening, and he's got an album and a mixtape on the way - both should be out before the Fall. Elucid has this track and 2 others (3 if you count a refix Nappy did) on FiF, as well as two EPs (produced by Von Pea and Aeon, respectively), his Save Yourself album and other projects on the way, including the Concrete Sound System noodlings. I'm glad to have been featuring these cats during RTD's first five, and hope to continue seeing their creativity flow. For now, check out some blank verses.


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